About Blair

Blair Koch is the BizLifeHappiness Founder, Keynote Speaker, Business Lifecycle Expert, Owner of TAB Denver West, and Host of the Best Businesses in Denver podcast.

Blair began her career working for companies like IBM, General Motors, and EDS, where arguably no semblance of balance ever existed.

Her biggest takeaway from that time in her life was learning firsthand how not to run a business and manage its people. Blair then found success working with tech startups where she wore a wide range of leadership hats. She helped facilitate a very lucrative IPO for one such company and helped grow another technology company from rather small to a $500M multinational company.
Then came a life-changer when Blair was diagnosed with cancer. It was then that she realized the moment was right to wave goodbye to corporate America and follow her true passion of helping develop SMB owners who possessed the heart but not the necessarily the know-how to run and grow a successful business. She hung her own shingle in 2000 and hasn’t looked back since.

Blair’s entire career, as they say, had been a prelude to that point.

She was finally able to leverage all those years of high-level business and operations expertise to help SMB owners lead, grow, and ultimately transition their companies. At TAB Denver West, she has built a team of exceptional peer advisory board facilitators and one-on-one business coaches who share her passion for business owner development.
Blair’s journey has been extraordinary, and she wouldn’t change a thing. Those early years of 80-hour work weeks in the corporate machine allowed her to recognize the importance of both massive effort and personal wellbeing. And perhaps more relevant, how the importance of one does not diminish the value of the other.


Biz Life Happiness. It’s about clarity. It’s about execution and accountability. It’s about showing up as the business owner you want to be and leading your best life.